Sunday, February 27, 2011

Help Counter Bloomberg's Gun Control Truck

New York mayor Bloomberg and his gun ban group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (all guns really, not just illegal ones) are funding a truck billboard with a clock to track the number of deaths due to gun violence since the Arizona shooting.  Naturally, there's no mention of deaths prevented by firearms.

Over the next 2 months, the Bloomberg/MAIG truck is traveling across the country, stopping in major cities.

Bloomberg and MAIG are pushing for:
  • NYC type gun laws requiring a background check for gun purchases that can take more than 6 months
  • A ban on most semi-automatics
  • Implement laws that will make gun shows too cumbersome and invasive to be profitable
An anti-gun campaign has compiled a online petition, with over 250,000 signatures to try to urge Obama and congress to impose these laws on the country.

The 2nd Amendment Foundation and Citizens for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) have teamed up to counter the Bloomberg billboard truck with their own billboard truck.

The SAF/CCRKBA truck will follow the Bloomberg/MAIG truck, and try to counter the lies of the gun-ban lobby.  They do need help funding the truck and the traveling, however.

Normally, I wouldn't bother you all with fundraising missions, but I truly believe that this one is worth it.  Please help SAF and CCRKA fund this important counter-attack!!  I think this is one of the better ideas to come out of the gun rights lobby in a long time.

CCRKBA article about the billboard truck

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